Friday, February 12, 2010

Cut a few calories off your salad!

I dont know where I heard it or if I just magically came up with the idea, but a way that I cut calories off my salad is by using lemon slices or lemon juice. If I am in "diet mode" and I go out to a restaurant, I usually end up ordering a salad and asking for lemon slices. Lemon juice has very little calories, and it tastes super healthy!

Here is a description of how good lemon juice is for you (

"Lemon juice is very high in citric acid, which helps the body fight off colds. Lemons and the juice also acts as an antioxidants. Lemon juice is also a liver stimulant and can control irritable bowel syndrome. It can control conditions like constipation and diarrhea. It can also help in helping heart burn, some bloating and even helping in subsiding gas pains."

Believe it or not, certain salad dressings have the same amount of calories as a hamburger from McDonalds! Try using lemon juice on your salad as a dressing, and let me know what you think!

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