Wednesday, September 29, 2010

New Idea: Writing a cookbook?

Lately i've been thinking about writing a cookbook. Im thinking about a cookbook geared towards the wife/fiance/girlfriend who doesn't even know the first thing about boiling water and to prove to the female that cooking is really easy. I have been researching online about publishers, agents, etc and it looks like if I write the writer's version of a "business plan" AKA "proposal", and send it off, thats one way of trying to get an agent. So, why not try? If I don't try, then I will never know if I could have gotten the opportunity. Heck, if Justin Bieber can write a book about his wonderful 16 years on Earth, I can write a book over recipes to please your spouse! Though, I am not famous and loaded with millions like Justin Bieber..
From reading this blog post, lord knows I need someone to help me with my english and grammar. I will be using recipes that have been around for YEARS, and I will try to revamp them or add something special to make it different. Any thoughts? Ideas?